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One of the most common remarks that parents make about their children’s homework is about the difficulties they have in helping, since the methods of teaching subjects, Mathematics especially, have changed so much since they were themselves at school.


This section is designed to provide some assistance in overcoming the problem with explanation of some of the methods we use and explain how they work.


With Mathematics especially there is often more than one way of solving a problem and it is seldom true that one method suits every child.


It is also true that methods and strategies change or develop from one curriculum year to another so this page show you all of the mathematics methods we teach your children. That way you can keep yourself abreast of what and how your children are learning and be able to understand and help resolve their problems. If you need help yourself please talk to your child’s teacher who will be able to help and happy to provide any additional explanation.


Click on the ‘Mental Calculation’ button, at the bottom of the page, to see how we start to teach Mathematics to your child. You can also find further information about the Mathematics curriculum and the methods we teach for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division by clicking on the other links located below.
